My little boy Tom (5) went in to hospital for another operation as part of his cleft lip repair. I have been really careful to make sure he knows exactly what is going on so that there are no surprises. I didn't want to hide anything from him. I used words that he could understand and weren't too medical - so it was magic cream to go on his hand and magic sleeping medicine for the anesthetic (can you tell he is a Harry Potter fan).
I was nervous about this operation as it would be the first one where he is completely aware of what is going on (the other were done when he was much younger), but I needn't have worried - he was amazing!
There was no fear or complaints from him. I think he loved the whole experience. He really enjoys being in hospital and being with doctors and nurses. Even when he woke up after the op, there were no tears, he was just hungry and did so well eating and drinking after, the nurses and surgeon were happy to send us home that night (thank goodness, trying to sleep in hospital on a childrens ward is nearly impossible).
I am so proud of my little boy and am so very thankful to live in a country with free health care.

I think Tom is going to grow up to be either a Doctor or a hypochondriac just so he can get back into hospital!
So we are now home and lots of jelly and ice cream are being consumed and all is pretty much back to normal.
Last night I was also very pleased to grade for my next belt at Aikido and I am now Green Belt - whoop!!! I am one step closer to being a Black Belt. I get so much pleasure from Aikido training as it is something I can really see progress on. I have been going twice a week since last summer and I am amazed at how far I have come.

Now I am just working out my spending for March - I know I have gone over on the food, but not by much. I have been pretty careful with my personal spending. The big expenses this month were car and house insurance so I will post about that later when I don't have two munchkins sitting on my lap, one of which is playing a harmonica very badly (I thought getting up early would give me a moment of peace - no chance!).
Lastly, a huge hello to my new followers, I feel so honored to have you here with me.
Hope all have a great weekend.