Wednesday, 9 January 2013

My Goals

I have been thinking about my goals.  In fact, I took myself on a lone trip to London last week for a nice treat.  I took the train down which gave me the perfect chance to sit and write and think about what I want.

To be honest, I am a bit confused about what I want out of life.  Or rather, I want to do so much and they are not always compatible.

But these are some of my goals which I am putting here to I can refer back to them and see how I am getting on............

Say Yes more - I find myself automatically saying No, without even thinking.

Be open to experiences.

Swim outdoors all year round.

Swim in a river. 

Run the Lincoln 10k in April.

Have a weekly Saturday date night with my lovely husband.  

Spend regular time with each child separately and together.

Achieve my fitness goal by August.

Teach archery and bushcraft.

Work on the Tea Room and increase my business by 20 percent.

Get my camp licence with Girl Guides

Really get on top of my finances and budget.

They are all achievable but will need me to put effort in!  So this is here to remind me to get off my backside and do something!!!


  1. If you haven't read Yes Man by Danny Wallace or How To Be Free by Tom Hodgkinson - you should!

    Hope you had fun in London!

    Kay :)

  2. Becky I really know what you are saying and I really like your goals. I have gotten better at saying 'yes' over the last few years and I feel better for it. It was a conscious decision to do so along with choosing a positive reaction to things instead of negative - most of the time I do OK.

    If you feel like posting about how you are going to grow tea room business sometime - would be really interested, but I understand if you want to keep it private too.

    Good luck with your goals and Best Wishes for 2013!

