You all gave me some great ideas. There will definitely be homemade cakes - as well as the old favourites, I am looking forward to playing around with what I am growing in my allotment - at the moment, lots of rhubarb.
I am just looking at soy milk (the one I tried curdled for a flat white coffee, but it seemed ok for a cappuccino). The current menu is very bread heavy, so I am going to try a few salads and lighter things. Definitely put in more choice for vegetarians and a vegan choice - since becoming vegetarian I am very aware of how meat dominates most menus and it is usually a cheese sandwich or a veggie lasagne for non-meat eaters. There is never anything suitable for vegans.
Mrs Accidental - that is a great idea about the colouring paper and pencils.
SFT - I completely agree about the menus, they must be clean. And clean toilets are a must. My job next weekend is to decorate them.
Lisa - thanks so much for commenting. Funny you should mention not liking drinking out of clear cups, I had a customer come in the same day and say the same thing. I have been out and bought a few mugs as I think a lot of people prefer to drink out of mugs.
Kay - if you could point me in the direction of some good vegan/gluten free cake recipes, I would be very grateful.
Thank you also Fostermummy, Jane and Chris, Phillipa Jayne, Sandra, Dannie, Datacreata (The Peacock Tea Room looks fantastic!), Lissy Lou, Keeping it Simple and Mrs No Spend. I really appreciate your comments.
You are always welcome to come and have a free cup of tea with me!!!

This is my little place. It is only small, but I have big plans.